Sunday, January 19, 2014


                               Hey people I'm back. Not with a tutorial but ways to wear suspenders. 

               Suspenders are hard to add to an outfit because of the way it looks. Tucking in your shirt can make you look a little goofy but if you add it to the right outfits, it can look awesome.
  1. Don't wear the tightest, most skinniest jeans you own with suspenders. They are not supposed to be baggy, but if you are tucking in you shirt you want it to look attractive. 
     2.    Pick a top. The top depends on what color your suspenders are. If they are zebra print, wear a  black shirt and regular jeans. If you have a solid color like pink, think of your favorite color that goes with it. Like green. So I'd wear a green shirt and regular jeans.
    3.Your suspenders shouldn't be that tight on you. If you are a tall person, wear them loose. Short, tight. Some suspenders have two straps on the back and some only have one. I personally like one strap better just because it's less hassle. Strap them on, Make sure your shirt is tucked, and you're ready to go!

                 Suspenders are really pretty and add a little style to your outfits. But they don't look good with everything. If you make an outfit with suspenders, comment below and tell me which ones you have! colored, printed, anything! Thanks for reading!!


  1. What is your next blog going to be??

  2. I don't know yet and I'll call you tomorrow if I can. And Thanks Dani! I think I''m going to do a nail tutorial.
